In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the RECYPACK project topic.

06/04/2017 - Is Sustainable Packaging the Key to a Circular Economy?
06/04/2017 - Boon Bean Dish Launches with Stand Up Pouch from Clondalkin Grootegast
05/04/2017 - Cómo el envase puede terminar con los residuos de alimentos
05/04/2017 - UNEP Report on Marine Plastic Debris and Microplastics
05/04/2017 - European Parliament’s ENVI Committee backs bioplastics in vote on waste legislation
05/04/2017 - MEPs pave the way for bioplastics in vote on waste legislation
05/04/2017 - EUBP welcomes EP report on revised waste legislation
04/04/2017 - Lego making slow but steady progress towards 2030 sustainable materials goal 
03/04/2017 - TOMRA Celebrates its 45th Anniversary Following Record Revenue Year
03/04/2017 - Kite Packaging Group Named as one of Coventry and Warwickshire’s Top 50 by Turnover Growth
02/04/2017 - El nuevo grupo de calidad de Anfec inicia sus reuniones
30/03/2017 - Sun Chemical to Showcase Comprehensive Portfolio of Packaging Solutions to Brand Owners at interpack 2017
30/03/2017 - MEP urges European Commission to take plastics recycling seriously
30/03/2017 - Making the Most out of interpack
26/03/2017 - Autobag Packing Systems to Debut at Automechanika
23/03/2017 - Cost vs Functionality vs Sustainability
16/03/2017 - MEPs: Member States Must Respect EU Single Market for Packaging
15/03/2017 - Water market taps into lightweight plastic bottles
07/03/2017 - Interpack Showcases RPC Skills and Diversity
07/03/2017 - Unià³n Papelera comienza a distribuir Crown Films
News: 800 - Nº Pages 40
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The development of this project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
[LIFE16 ENV/ES/000305]

This publication reflects only the author's view and that the Agency/Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains



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