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Autobag Packing Systems to Debut at Automechanika

Automated Packaging Systems®, the world leader in flexible bagging and protective packaging, will run live demonstrations at Automechanika in June, underlining the event focus on supply chain efficiency.

See product and contact details of AUTOMATED PACKAGING SYSTEMS LTD.

View suppliers of similar products in the Packaging Network.

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Automated Packaging Systems’ presence at Automechanika, which spans five halls of the NEC, will feature two hands-on demo zones. In the Autobag® bagging zone visitors will have access to the latest automated and semi-automated bagging systems designed to improve efficiency, traceability, security and environmental performance in the auto parts supply chain. 
Automated Packaging Systems UK Sales & Marketing Manager Andy Pretious explains: “Our systems have been key to improving logistics across the European auto aftermarket for more than 30 years. Cornwall-based brake hose specialist Nelson Stokes, for example, uses the Autobag AB 180 OneStep to pack its range of 6500 brake hoses into branded tamper-evident bags printed in-line with traceability data.
“Our Comcount Maximizer in-feed conveyer and AB 180 system revolutionised Nelson Stokes old box and plastic tube packing operation, increasing throughput, cutting shipping and storage costs and reducing waste. It also drastically cut the amount of time needed to pick and pack its range of repair kits for wheel and master cylinders.
“Changing from boxes and tubes to pre-branded and clear bags brought advantages to Nelson Stokes’ retailers too,” explains Andy Pretious. “They can now store 100 bagged hoses in an eighth of the space required for boxed product.”
Also on show will be the Accu-Scale, a highly sensitive infeed system that accurately weigh-counts small parts, and the space-saving desk top PS 125™ OneStep bagging system, much in demand for smaller scale and multi-station packing operations.
In the company’s AirPouch® protective packaging zone, visitors can test the latest air pillow and quilt systems, alongside specialist NEW high loft quilt materials, for light-weight protection of heavy goods in transit. The super-reliable void fill, block and brace and bubble-on-demand systems are available with an extensive range of high performance materials, including GeoTech® sustainable films, as well as robust storage and handling solutions to maximise efficiency.
Visitors to Automechanika, 6 - 8 June at the NEC, Birmingham, will find Automated Packaging Systems on stand 6G35 in Hall 6.

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The development of this project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
[LIFE16 ENV/ES/000305]

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