The conference 'Challenges of local entities in waste management' was held at the Beneficencia Cultural Center of Valencia, organized by Ecoembes and the Diputació de València, with the attendance at the inaugural table of the Deputy Director of Climate Change and Environmental Quality of the Department of Agriculture, Environment, Climate Change and Rural Development, José Vicente Miró, and the director of the Autonomous and Local Management of Ecoembes, Ángel Hervella.
The event was also attended by 190 people, among which were representatives from 99 municipalities of the Valencian Community, as well as responsible for associations and Consortiums for waste management, managers and companies related to waste recycling.
There were also presentations of cases of success such as the “Life Recypack Project”.
Acceptance of paper and presentation of the LIFE RECYPACK project at the 17TH international waste management and landfill symposium event held from September 30 to October 4 2019 in Sardinia (Italy).
RLIFE RECYPACK was presented within the framework of the project CIRCULAR ECONOMY FORUM IN PLASTICS granted by the Ministry of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Commerce and Labor and promoted by AVEP
An article about the current situation of the project and the importance of implementing a system such as LIFE RECYPACK was punblished by Futurenviro magazine on March 2019.
Ecofira is the international contest of environmental solutions, a meeting point in which companies and public organizations present the latest advances in efficient environmental management. With more than a dozen editions held, the event has been consolidated as a reference for professionals and companies in the sector, not only for its commercial offer, but also for its nature as a forum for debate and knowledge.
EVA Verdejo from AIMPLAS presents LIfe Recypack at the sustainable plastic day.
Students from BME (Budapest University of Technology and Economics – Department of Polimertechnic) visit Remat to learn about Life Recypack
Andrea Kocsánné Olasz from Remat is interviewed about Life Recypack Project
AIMPLAS participates at Hispack 2018 with a conference about Life Recypack Project, showing our poster and distributing our leaflets.
AIMPLAS participates with a conference about Life Recypack at this event.
Remat attends the Hungarian Waste Management Federation Conference as a speaker explaining Life Recypack Project
LIFE RECYPACK article published in the AVEP magazine explaining the objective of the project and how the interested stores can participate in the door-to-door collection system.
The development of this project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
[LIFE16 ENV/ES/000305]
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