In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the RECYPACK project topic.

18/10/2017 - ARA substantially increases license fees for plastic packaging
18/10/2017 - APR launches program to expand market demand for recycled resin
18/10/2017 - APR Announces Recycling Demand Champion Campaign
17/10/2017 - Littlejohn & Co. Announces Acquisition of Strategic Materials
17/10/2017 - Erema launches unit for heavily contaminated recycling streams
17/10/2017 - New studies confirm: biodegradable plastics boost organic recycling and improve mechanical recycling
17/10/2017 - Call for separate recycling stream for biodegradable plastics / More investment in infrastructure needed in Europe
16/10/2017 - How steel packaging contributes to saving food
16/10/2017 - On track to ban plastic bags in coastal cities / Initiatives around the country to minimise waste / Ten companies commit to promoting recycled plastic packaging
16/10/2017 - Lidl US partners with How2Recycle Label
16/10/2017 - UK's RECOUP calls for investment in infrastructure, communications
16/10/2017 - Paper & Plastics Recycling Conference 2017: The importance of collaboration
15/10/2017 - Limpieza eficiente y rentable
15/10/2017 - DowDuPont is self-aware as it grows in plastics
15/10/2017 - Procter & Gamble Launches 100 Percent Recycled Fairy Ocean Plastic Bottle
12/10/2017 - Bio-Based event looks at a range of sustainable products
12/10/2017 - Recoup releases Councils analysis
12/10/2017 - Head & Shoulders wins UN award for diverting waste from beaches
11/10/2017 - Making the Difference! 
11/10/2017 - Plastics Recycling Awards Europe Launched | Winners to be announced at Plastics Recycling Show Europe, 24-25 April 2018, RAI Amsterdam
News: 800 - Nº Pages 40
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The development of this project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
[LIFE16 ENV/ES/000305]

This publication reflects only the author's view and that the Agency/Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains



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