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67 National and EU industries call to safeguard the Internal Market for Packaging and Packaged Goods in the Circular Economy Package














The signatories of this statement  call on the European Parliament, Council and Commission to maintain the Internal Market legal base of the PPWD and all its amending acts, including the current proposal amending the PPWD, for the following reasons:

  • The loss of an Internal Market legal base is inconsistent with the fundamental policy objectives of the Circular Economy Package.
  • The change of legal base would potentially precipitate the end of the free movement of packaging and packaged goods.
  • The PPWD is fundamentally different from other waste legislation as it both deals with requirements for placing products on the market and with packaging waste.
  • This is not merely a technical/legal argument devoid of real implications. The potential for significant harm is real.
  • The likelihood of a full recast of the whole Directive is real and is already formally under consideration in Council, thereby risking the end of the Internal Market for packaging and packaged goods


You can download the statement below.


» Publication Date: 29/05/2017

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The development of this project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
[LIFE16 ENV/ES/000305]

This publication reflects only the author's view and that the Agency/Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains



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