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Sirane's Anti-Microbial Absorbent Packaging Gives two Days Extra Shelf-Life

ANTI-MICROBIAL absorbent packaging from Sirane has given diced beef two additional days' shelf-life in recent trials with one major UK meat processing company.

See product and contact details of Sirane Ltd.

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The independently-run trials showed a two-day increase from nine to 11 days on the shelf-life of the packs containing Sirane's ABM pads compared to existing packaging.

Sirane's new Dri-Fresh ABM pads for meat/poultry, contain a blend of natural bio-flavonoids and organic acids which work together to extend shelf-life. Together with the absorbency within the pads, they offer an outstanding level of protection and significant shelf-life extension. The ABM technology is activated by moisture ' so only functions when needed.

Simon Balderson, Sirane MD, said: "These results are great, and could result in significant financial savings for the processor in question as two additional days shelf-life is a huge step.

"So much food gets thrown away, and Sirane has been trying to help companies with their food waste reduction targets ' ABM is one way meat and poultry packers can achieve this. ABM is a blend of natural ingredients which is incorporated into the absorbent pad.

"The combination of flavonoids which are anti-oxidants and anti-microbial, with organic acids including citric acid and ascorbic acids is harmless, as all elements are found naturally within fruit. It is clean, simple, and effective. Nature itself often has the answers.

"People have tried, and failed, in the past, to make anti-microbial packaging' but the major difference here is the method of delivery. With the anti-microbial integrated into the pad, and activated only when needed, it gets efficiently to the heart of the problem.
"We're encouraging all our customers to try our AB technology and run their own trials in their own unique supply-chain conditions, as this is just one of many success stories we're hearing about, with many reports coming back to us of shelf-life extension.

"Every processor and retailer's supply chain is different, with different parameters, so we would never say to every retailer 'you will get two days more'. We're saying you could get additional shelf-life by using a pad like this, you might even get more than two days extra."
Our Dri-Fresh ABM pads are part of a range of anti-bacterial and anti-microbial absorbent pad solutions; we also offer ABV pads for fruit and ABS for seafood. These pads work in the same way, but with the blend adjusted to help provide the optimum shelf-life.
They are one of a range of meat and poultry packaging solutions offered by Sirane, including absorbent pads, oven-ready pads, boneguard, oven and microwaveable films & more.

Reducing food waste shot back to the top of many companies' agenda last year with the launch of Courtauld 2025 ' an industry-wide agreement to tackle the problem which sees the UK currently responsible for one fifth of all the wasted food across the EU.
The 10-year agreement hopes to reduce food waste in the UK by 20%, and is targeting all part of the food cycle, from the food producer right through to the consumers.

A 2015 report published by the House of Lords EU committee revealed that retailers only directly account for around 5 per cent of food waste - with consumers causing 42 per cent and producers 39 per cent - but the report argued closer analysis shows retailers have simply developed ways (such as buy-one-get-one-free offers) to make other parts of the supply chain take on the waste they have caused, by cancelled orders, over-ordering or insisting on standards that a significant proportion of a farmer's crop cannot reach.

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The development of this project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
[LIFE16 ENV/ES/000305]

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