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Micvac Exhibits at Interpack 2017

Micvac is again exhibiting at Interpack to meet old and new contacts. “This fair remains one of our most important occasions to show our processing method and the intelligent packaging concept that goes with it”, states Christina Frohm Kramer, Marketing Director at Micvac.

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Micvac is expanding over the world with new customers and projects getting launched setting the standard for healthy and convenient food for modern consumers. The Micvac method for in-pack cooking and pasteurisation is a continuous process that allows the producer to save on time, energy, waste and costs in all steps. The extended shelf life enables the producer to plan and be more efficient and it gives the retail the chance to have a wider product range.

The last years have also brought customers and projects not only working with single portion ready meals for the retail business, but also preparing components. “We see an increase in the demand for thermoformed products and pouches”, says Håkan Pettersson, Managing Director at Micvac. “This plus our new developments with two compartment trays, round trays etc give us an even broader portfolio than at the last show. Most customers still use our oval standard Flextray, but there’s an interest for more customer specific trays as well.”
The major advantages with the Micvac method are the quality and taste of the food, the extended shelf life and a very consumer friendly packaging. Consumer studies made in different countries in Europe state that the consumer perceives the difference compared to other products in the market. This encourages producers worldwide to choose the Micvac method for their chilled products. That it’s also a very waste efficient method is even more positive for the environment. There’s very little waste all through the value chain starting with the production, the shop and the consumer.

“Our team will be eager to answer all your questions and discuss what Micvac can do for you”, says Christina Frohm Kramer. “And as usual, there will be the possibility to taste the quality of meals made with the Micvac method.”

The origin of the Micvac method is production in a microwave tunnel. In 2016, Micvac launched a new business segment which is in-pack cooking and pasteurisation in a combi oven instead. There was a demand in the food service market for safe products and Micvac offers a solution. The result is also here an extended shelf life combined with excellent food quality helping the large scale kitchens, restaurants etc to plan and manage their daily activities in a more efficient way.

Visit Micvac in hall 10, at stand D49.

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The development of this project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
[LIFE16 ENV/ES/000305]

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