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EyeC Presents its Print Inspection Systems at INFO*FLEX

EyeC, a global expert in high performance print inspection systems, will present its solutions at INFO*FLEX in Phoenix Convention Center from May 1 to 2.

See product and contact details of EyeC GmbH.

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EyeC describes itself as the market’s only supplier whose inspection solutions ensure product quality throughout the entire printing process – from the first artwork file to the finished product:
• The artwork proofing system, EyeC Proofiler Content, simplifies artwork revision and approval processes and secures print file quality.
• At pre-press, the EyeC Proofiler Graphic quickly helps ensure the production of error-free press-ready files and can be integrated into Esko Automation Engine workflows.
• The print sample testing systems of the EyeC Proofiler product line provide an easy, fast, and secure check of all types of printed materials and formats at each stage of the production, from press make-ready to incoming quality control.
• The EyeC ProofRunner product line offers 100% print inspection and enables printers and converters to monitor the complete job’s quality during the press run or finishing processes.
EyeC systems are known for their unique user-friendliness, speed, and accuracy. Depending on the specific application, EyeC helps users avoid product recalls, keep production costs and material waste in check and optimize quality control. To this day, over 1,600 EyeC systems are in use worldwide. The company offers local support in North America as well as in more than 20 other countries.
Visitors of INFO*FLEX can discover which EyeC system can best help them meet their specific quality goals.

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The development of this project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
[LIFE16 ENV/ES/000305]

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