In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the RECYPACK project topic.

APR Recycling Demand Champion Campaign in the NEWS


October 23, 2017 - Plastics Recycling Update,  Resource Recycling, Plastics News, Recycling Today, Associations Now, Waste 360, Plastics in Packaging, Environmental Leader, Waste Today Magazine, Waste DiveAPR Recycling Demand Champion Campaign in the NEWSWorking to expand market demand for PCR Click here for more information about the APR Recycling Demand Champion Campaign News Links:

Plastics Recycling Update

Resource Recycling

Plastics News

Recycling Today

Associations Now

Waste 360

Plastics in Packaging

Environmental Leader

Waste Today Magazine

Waste Dive

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The development of this project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
[LIFE16 ENV/ES/000305]

This publication reflects only the author's view and that the Agency/Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains



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