In this section, you can access to the latest technical information related to the RECYPACK project topic.

Dual supplying for Amut - Systems for cleaning and recycling polyolefin

The recyclingdivision of Amut has won two supply orders for two major European companiesactive in recycling plastic waste. Each order includes two twin systems forrecycling and regenerating polyolefin flakes to be subsequently transformedinto granulate.

In one ofthe projects, the twin line will work in parallel to process LDPE flakes at anhourly output rate of 2,500 kg. The flakes will come primarily from bales ofpost-consumer packaging bubble film. To increase system flexibility, a unit setof conveyor belts will enable two grinders to feed the two buffers on the linesalternatively. The decanting stage will separate heavy materials and filmcontaminants, while presorting will remove other pollutants and dirt. A secondintensive rubbing action will take place during the wet regrinding stage.

The Turboand Friction washer systems will carry out intensive and continuous cleaningand rinsing action. The process water can be thermally regulated andconditioned by chemical/detergent agents to increase the efficacy of cleaning.The flakes will be separated from the water and transferred to the centrifugefor the drying stage. A hot air system will reduce the quantity of humidity inthe flakes, making the material suitable for the subsequent extrusion process.

Forthe other order, on the other hand, the twin post-consumer resin cleaning linewill deliver a hourly output rate of 1500 or 4000 kg of LDPE film and HDPEcontainers respectively, ensuring the advantage of processing both light andheavy polyolefins into separate batches using the same machines. In the firstdecanting tank, the material will be separated from heavy objects andcontaminants and then transferred to two parallel turbines for the presortingstage. The second intensive rubbing action will occur during wet regrinding. Anintense cleaning action will be provided by the Friction Washer system, wherethe flakes are continuously subjected to energetic friction followed by a rinsestage, to further eliminate polluted residue. The cleaning of heavy plasticresidue and final rinse will be completed by the decanter, a special centrifugethat also delivers intense drying action. The order also includes an extrusionsystem to complete the recycling process.

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The development of this project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
[LIFE16 ENV/ES/000305]

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