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Piovan launches Quantum E - Gravimetric batch dosing unit for film extrusion

With theQuantum E dosing system, Piovan improves both the effectiveness of theproduction processes and the product thanks to the high technological contentof the new dosing systems, which ensure maximum precision in pellet dosing andtotal processing control.


The benefits of the Quantum E solution

Quantum Eis the new gravimetric batch dosing unit with continuous extrusion control thatcompletes the Quantum series of next-generation dosing units introduced on themarket in 2015. With this innovative design, Piovan combines, in a single highprecision system, both gravimetric dosage versatility and the accuracy of thecontinuous loss-in-weight system.

The nativecontrol of Quantum E can manage 1 to 8 dosing stations, and the system ensures accurateweighing and complete traceability of each component of the blend. The weighingstation and mixing shaft are removable without the need for tools and are fullyaccessible, as well as the mixer chamber. The load cells are equipped with anintegrated automated cleaning system (patent pending) that comes into operationafter each cycle. The new design of the discharge system allows the entirehopper to be emptied, leaving no residue; the material is conveyed optimally,without mechanical stress or the risk of crushing the pellets.


Innovation and versatility

Quantum Eallows a versatility of use that has never been achieved before, thanks to 8dosing stations: each station is added or replaced by  a simple mechanical operation without theneed for complex manoeuvring and in conditions of complete safety for theoperator and for nearby equipment.

Thegravimetric batch dosing system precisely weighs each of the ingredients of themixture, while loss-in-weight technology allows total control of the extrudedproduct output and maximum weight continuity per metre of the film.

Quantum Eevolves with respect to similar systems: thanks to the two load cells withloss-in-weight technology, whereby material consumption is measuredcontinuously and gravimetrically; in substitution of the slide gate station itis possible to install an auger station to precisely modulate the micro-dosageof the ingredients.

Quantum Eis the ideal gravimetric dosing system for the production of flexible packingfilm. For this reason, it integrates technological solutions that offer thebest dosage accuracy and maximum precision in weight control per meter ofoutput. Keeping the weight/metre ratio constant is essential in blow filmextrusion, as it means: savings in material; optimizing of material use;reducing of waste.


Accuracy, control at every stage, effectiveness

The QuantumE dosing system has been designed and built in such a way as to allow completetraceability of each component and the repeatability of each cycle, also as aconsequence of the new trapezoidal shape of the dosing gate, which allowsfurther precision (in dosing), with the integration of a rapid unloadingdevice.

Theparticular design of the patented spherical mixer, also prepares a completelyhomogeneous blend of the various ingredients with loss-in-weight control. Themixing action is improved and the hemispherical form of the mixer prevents anypellet stagnation. Quantum E guarantees the consistent quality of the finalextrusion in terms of composition and characteristics.

Quantum Ecan be configured both for single extrusion lines and for coextrusion.

In the coextrusionconfiguration, the Quantum E dosing and control system adjusts the flow rate ofeach individual extruder.


Managing each parameter in real time

The use ofQuantum E is simple and intuitive: control is achieved through alatest-generation PLC system, while a new HMI allows the operator to view therunning of the process and all the operating parameters in real time. Anymeasurements and adjustments can be made directly and quickly. The Quantum Econtrol, available in 11 languages, guarantees extreme flexibility incustomisation.

Theadvanced control provided by Quantum E was developed by Piovan and acts inaccordance with a new algorithm for the calibration of dosing stations. Itallows management of a 1-11 layer system and guarantees maximum accuracy of theblend right from the first batch: there is no waste of material, not  even during calibration, since the dosingunit ensures that the pellet mix is precisely as desired. It is a control thatallows maximum personalization and flexibility, operating through various dataexchange standards (Ethernet, Profibus), to configure and use the dosing unit,adapting it to the plant's production needs and the type of extruder.

Quantum Ecan be controlled remotely through a normal network connection, and is readyfor complete integration with Winfactory 4.0 , the new Piovan software releasefor supervising production processes conceived for the Smart Factory.

Quantum Ecomplies with the latest safety and consumption regulations; for more reliableand simple maintenance, it is equipped with high-efficiency motors that use 30%less energy than previous models.

To satisfyany extrusion application, Quantum E is available in three models - QE200, QE600and QE1200 - with different initial configurations: for capacity - from 50 to 1200kg/h - according to the model, all with the ability to natively control up to 8dosing stations; available with integrated control to manage both the speed ofthe extruder and the winding speed of the film.

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The development of this project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
[LIFE16 ENV/ES/000305]

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