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APR Member Highlight: Envision Plastics

April 28, 2017 - Plastic Packaging FactsAPR Member Highlight: Envision PlasticsRecycling ocean bound plastic waste into useful packaging and other goods

With over 5 million metric tons of plastic waste, much of it packaging waste, entering the ocean from land each year, it’s clear that ocean pollution isn’t a problem limited to one country, or even one continent. But scientists now know that the largest sources of marine litter are rapidly developing countries, whose waste management infrastructure has not kept pace with their growing consumption of waste producing consumer goods. So it makes sense that one of the biggest ways to help make a difference is to recover more plastic waste before it reaches the ocean.

That’s why at Envision Plastics, we’ve announced a new effort to prevent up to ten million pounds of at risk plastic waste from entering our oceans, over the next two years. We’ll get there by partnering with local communities in at-risk areas around the world to recover more plastic and recycle it into packaging and other goods.

We’ve developed a comprehensive guide to help communities implement a robust, mutually beneficial process to collect and ship this material to Envision processing facilities.

Ten million pounds of plastic is equivalent to around seventy million one gallon milk jugs. We’re excited about this goal and hope you’ll be too. Envision’s OceanBound Plastic can be used in many of the same rigid plastic packaging applications as traditional post-consumer resin, with the added benefit that using material collected from at-risk areas helps economically disadvantaged communities and eliminates that plastic from reaching beaches and waterways.

Learn more about how the global plastics industry works on marine litter issues at

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The development of this project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
[LIFE16 ENV/ES/000305]

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