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Raepak Launches Biopolymer Plastic Bottles

Raepak (Wymondham, UK), a global supplier of plastic packaging, has introduced two new 100% recyclable biopolymer bottles that the company claims are direct replacements for standard HDPE and PET fossil-fuel-based plastics. One is a 100% biobottle and the other is a 50% biobottle that includes 50% post-consumer recycled (PCR) content. The bioplastic bottles provide these benefits,

according to Raepak:

  1. Lower greenhouse gas emissions, reduced carbon footprint;
  2. Made from renewable raw materials;
  3. Derived from sugarcane waste, not from oil;
  4. No deforestation;
  5. No atmospheric carbon dioxide is generated;
  6. Fits back into the recycling chain;
  7. No difference in performance or color as standard oil-based bottles;
  8. Same manufacturing processes;
  9. Can be combined with PCR material.

David Irvine, Raepak’s head of digital & marketing, answers PlasticsToday’s questions.

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» Publication Date: 23/08/2017

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The development of this project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
[LIFE16 ENV/ES/000305]

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