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Report Quantifies Emissions From Plastics-to-Fuel Technologies
By Anne Marie Mohan, Senior Editor, Packaging World
A new report prepared for the American Chemistry Council that examined emissions from a family of technologies known as pyrolysis has determined that emissions from these processes are likely to be very low—much lower than the emissions profiles from other industries, such as food processing, auto manufacturing, and even lower than institutional buildings, such as hospitals and universities.
As ACC explains, pyrolysis is a versatile process that can convert non-recycled plastics into liquid fuels, lubricants, waxes, or even polymer feedstocks. This group of technologies, sometimes referred to as “plastics-to-fuels,” complements mechanical recycling by keeping greater amounts of useful materials out of landfills while reducing the need for virgin resources.
Source Link» Publication Date: 18/08/2017
The development of this project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
[LIFE16 ENV/ES/000305]
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