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Successful eco-design for packaging calls for a holistic approach
The development of sustainable packaging involves more than simply ensuring that it is suitable for recycling, was one of the conclusions reached during the Eco-Design Forum held at the Interpack trade fair in Düsseldorf.
While recycling capability is an important aspect of the eco-design of packaging, other important aspects should also be considered, was the overall view of the participants in the forum.
The event, which was organised by the Round Table on the Eco-Design of Plastics Packaging and the IK - German Plastics Packaging Industry Association, attracted just under 100 attendees, with speakers from various branches of industry, science and consumer protection organisations.
During the ensuing discussion, the importance of a holistic approach to eco-design clearly emerged. As was pointed out, recyclability - the first focus of the report from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation - is highly desirable, but the other packaging functions should also not be lost sight of.
One of the most important of these is ensuring that products reach consumers undamaged and in good condition, and hence that the raw materials and energy required for their production do not go to waste.
Another aspect relates to material selection: materials approved for food contact must be used, for consumer safety. Yet even after the basic requirements have been established, there is more to take into account. The Eco Design process not only includes the visible characteristics of the packaging itself – it can also involve logistics and waste collection. This frequently has an even greater environmental effect than the design of the packaging itself.
The discussion also touched on the marketing aspects of packaging. Packaging designers should take care not to sacrifice environmentally-friendly design to advertising effectiveness on the shelf. More action could be taken by manufacturers to create an awareness among consumers of the criteria and performance of sustainable packaging.
Should eco-design not simply be an integral part of corporate strategy? The two organisers - the Round Table and the IK - felt that it should certainly become just that.
The complexity of package design criteria, however, is an additional challenge for consumer goods manufacturers.
The Round Table on the Eco-Design of Plastics Packaging has launched the Guidelines Project to assist in integrating eco-design into corporate management processes. These guidelines are being drafted as resources for top management, marketing managers and product developers to promote a holistic approach to eco-design and anchor it in the corporate strategy.
“There is no ideal solution. Eco-design is a multidimensional concept,” said IK speaker Dr. Isabell Schmidt as she explained the background to the Guidelines Project. “Decisions on the properties and materials used in packaging need to be made anew for every single item of packaging. The guidelines will consist of criteria and decision tools that can provide practical aids for the development of sustainable packaging solutions.”
The first draft of the guidelines is to be drawn up in collaboration with the Institute for Environmental Strategies, Ökopol, by November of this year
» Publication Date: 30/05/2017
The development of this project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
[LIFE16 ENV/ES/000305]
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