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Kingsmoor Packaging retains highest BRC grade for a consecutive year

Kingsmoor Packaging, a thermoforming business based in Somerset, has maintained its AA grade BRC certification for a consecutive year. Under the revised issue 5 of the BRC Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials, a AA grade is one of the highest awards that a business can achieve within the certification scheme.

The BRC certificate streamlines the supplier approval process and makes it easier for food companies to meet the requirements of the BRC Food Standard, while also helping retailers and food manufacturers to adhere to their legal obligations.

The standard specifies Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, good manufacturing practices, plus hygiene, safety and quality requirements for packaging manufacturers who supply the food and consumer products industries.

James Hill, Kingsmoor Packaging Managing Director, said: “A consecutive AA grade shows our commitment to operating at the highest possible standards in producing quality thermoformed packaging products. The achievement is credit to the hard work and resolve of the team here at KPL.”

Kingsmoor Packaging manufacture food grade packaging solutions in APET, PP and HIPS - as well as rPET, which contains at least half post-consumer recycled waste and at least 30 per cent industry recycled waste. With in-house tooling and design, operating in tandem with their modern production facilities, Kingsmoor Packaging is able to provide customers with a nimble, flexible and cost effective single source service.


Kingsmoor facility

» Publication Date: 14/07/2017

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The development of this project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
[LIFE16 ENV/ES/000305]

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