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Dual event - WM takes part at Interpack 2017 and holds an open house at its company site

From May 4to 10 WM Thermoforming Machines will exhibit at Interpack 2017 in Düsseldorf,the event where all the producers of machineries and devices for the packagingindustry meet the main players from the food, beverage, pharmaceutics andconsumer goods industries from all over the world. It is one of the main eventsof the packaging industry and give the possibility to pass through theproviders of the entire supply chain.

Thepackaging sector has made great improvements, both concerning the variety ofmaterial used than in the tailor made solutions to protect against piracy,contamination, deterioration and packaging to have a proper handling. It hasbeen verified that by using plastic packaging the food waste has been reducedfrom 43% to 3% and the carbon dioxide in the air has reduced, since plasticcontainers are lighter and so the transport need less fuel. And in view of thefuture expectation the role of packaging will be even more important.

By 2050 itis previewed an increase of the world population of 2 billion people, many ofthem in the urban areas, and consequently the need of food will increase. Nowadaysthe resources are not equally distributed in the world, there are people whosuffer of hunger and people who suffer of obesity for the quantity of nothealthy food, rich of fats and salt. And beside this there is still one third ofthe food produced that is wasted. The actions that has to be taken to create asustainable food system are, of course, to reduce the food waste, to encouragethe farming in the urban areas, to promote a more healthy and sustainable diet,to diversify the supply resources.

Consumersare continuously more interested about limit food waste and minimize health risks to themselves and theenvironment. So there is a new interest for food packaging research, in whichWM is completely involved, as producer of machines that use sustainabletechnology to produce food packaging. The latest innovations brought to producesustainable packaging by using less material, less energy and more automatedprocesses. It’s right to critic the misuse of plastic, but it’s not right tocondemn plastic itself because of the misuse of someone, moreover if thematerial is not intrinsically risky.

WMThermoforming Machines will be present at Interpack to show which are thelatest technologies evolutions on packaging and, in the same days, will alsohave an open house at its company site in Stabio (Switzerland), where it willbe possible to see machines in operation mode:

- Intec FT900/2 coex, with Rotostacker MSv9, for the production of lids, a fullyautomated system that transform the plastic pellets raw material into finalproduct, with integrated sleeving and boxing process; WM is a specialist inthis application and can count more than 100 In-line plants sold and operativeall around the world;

-FC 780 IM/2 Speedmaster Plus, mould 3 cavities for the production of rimmed PP clamshell,a steel rule cutting technology with in mould trimming and 3 axes robotstacker.

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The development of this project has been co-funded with the support of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union
[LIFE16 ENV/ES/000305]

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